Thursday, October 25, 2012

Only a week left to go...

So here I am writing notes about Flexible Learning Spaces, which I hate to be quite honest. I don't like the spaces and I don't like writing about them. What I  like is shopping. Yeah, I like shopping for clothes to wear to places I like with people I like.

 I also like wine, I've had far too much of that stuff lately,  I need to stop drinking my calories just because I don't want to think about my education assignments and the soul-destroying job search process. I want to think about all the fun things I will do over summer with the friends I have seen too little of lately. Obviously, when I think of doing these things I am in an alternate reality in which I actually  have money and humidity doesn't do horrible things to my curls. I guess this summer I will be discovering what 'Budget Melbourne' has to offer. Ah, screw that.

Here is a list of things I am looking forward to doing once I have finished this infernal course.

  • Attending the Spanish Film Festival La Mirada
  • Drinking Sangria on the rooftop bar of The Emerald Peacock
  • Dog/Housesitting for my parents and taking full advantage of the air con, proximity to the beach, and the sunny balcony.
  • Drinking mojitos on aforementioned balcony
  • Making massive pitchers of  iced tea with fresh fruit.
  • Finally seeing a film at The Rooftop Cinema after countless summers of intending to go but never making it.
  • Two words: Beer Gardens.
  • Reading books for the enjoyment of it.
  • Meeting some members of the opposite sex. So many females all up in my Education course. I need some casual entertainment.
  • Dancing up a storm at Soul Night
  • Discovering some new brunch places with my friends.....
  • ....actually seeing my friends


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